Title: ไม่เปลี่ยนใจ (เธอคนเดียว) / Mai Pblian Jai (Tur Kon Diao) [Not Changing My Mind (You’re the One)]
Artist: D2B
Album: Summer
Year: 2002
I don’t know if you believe me
Regardless of what’s been added or removed
This sole thing is still the same
It’s the feelings filling my heart.
*The more love, the more I feel it,
However many days pass by
I’m still positive I want to be near you.
**Are you bored of the looks in my eyes that still see just you?
Are you bored of listening to my voice repeating “I love you”?
With the same old words
The same old person
Will you get sick of it?
I want to tell you I love you
Over and over and over and over to remind your heart
Tell only you, only you only you to reassure your heart.
No matter how long
Know that I’ll never change my mind.
Each time I hold hands with you
My heart still pounds the same.
When I’m away from you,
Each and every breath, I still envision you.
(*, **)
Are you bored of the looks in my eyes that still see just you?
Are you bored of listening to my voice repeating “I love you”?
With the same old words
The same old person
Will you get sick of it?
I want to tell you I love you
Over and over to remind your heart,
Tell only you, only you only you to reassure your heart.
No matter how long,
(We’ll be in love)
Just you alone (Are important)
Know that I’ll never change my mind.
[*** Sorry, Thai/transliterated lyrics coming soon!]